Welcome Baby Garrett Ryan Howe!

SO…he’s finally here! Baby Garrett Ryan Howe joined us on July 25, 2009 – 11 days early! (I was SOOO happy about the early part) I had started preparing for labor to happen “any minute” at about month eight. Perhaps I was a little over-anxious…and I was DEFINITELY exercising some wishful thinking, but he came through for me… (atta boy!) But, before I talk about all the good stuff, I absolutely HAVE to talk about the storm BEFORE all the good stuff….that beautiful thing called Labor and Delivery. What a trip! As they say… “every woman’s labor is different”…and that has been true even for my own labors – all three have been vey different. But this one takes the cake. I think if I had to title the whole experience, I would definitely have to call it “What the Crap”. 

Here we go… Continue reading Welcome Baby Garrett Ryan Howe!


Holy Smoothie, Batman!

Ok it’s been a LOOOOOOOONG time since I’ve gotten a chance to post updates on here! As everyone knows, I’ve recently added number three to the mix – Garret Ryan Howe entered into the world on July 25, weighing in at 8 lbs 5 ounces…BUT more on that later. I first have to backtrack a bit to share something that happened a few weeks BEFORE Garret arrived. Everyone who’s had a baby knows that the last few weeks of pregnancy, you are ready to reach in there and pull the baby out yourself if you could just be sure you wouldn’t get arrested…or locked away. And with baby number three, that feeling started in with me at about month 5. SO that’s how I was feeling this particular morning…very, very pregnant and very tired (and also pretty hormonal but what else is new). I was also (of course) in a mad rush to get out the door. I don’t even remember now where I was trying to go but apparently it was important. I decided to be a “good” mom on this day and make home-made smoothies for the kids…fresh blueberries included. Continue reading Holy Smoothie, Batman!


A Day in the Life Part 2…

So now that the weather is getting nicer and people are beginning to emerge from hibernation, I decided it would be nice to have some friends over for dinner last night. I have ALSO decided that IF I wait to have company until I have the energy or the time to plan an amazing meal and present a spotless house, I will live a life of complete solitude. SO… I recently made the decision that I’m going to invite people over into my life AS IT IS. I will not kill myself trying to present a home that is mis-leadingly clean or a dinner that is to DIE FOR. I just want food, friends and company and to be able to focus on the important stuff. SO…that’s what I did last night. I had some dirty dishes in the sink and I made hamburgers and frozen french fries. AND IT WAS GREAT! I did, however, question my new-found philosophy when in the middle of dinner, we all glanced over to look at the kids playing by the window. Our house faces the west and the setting sun that pierces into our living room is really REALLY unforgiving. I’ve never cared much for how it brightens up the dust bunnies in the corner or casts a spotlight on the layer of fuzz on pictures or tables. BUT I was completely unprepared for the show it was going to give everyone this night and I began to think MAYBE there were SOME things I should have thought of tidying up before company came…. Continue reading A Day in the Life Part 2…


A Day in the Life…

 So…it’s been a while since my original post. Thank you so much to all of you for the awesome responses – I had no idea there were so many of you out there as crazy as me!!! This is going to be fun :)

For this entry, I’d like to share some random things that have happened the past couple weeks that I find come with the territory of Motherhood. Some times it makes me want to laugh, other times it make me want to cry. But it’s all just a day in the life… 

The following stories star myself, my husband Ryan, My three year old Mackenna and my two year old Grayson: Continue reading A Day in the Life…


Motherhood Confessions

HI! I’m so glad you decided to join me here. You’re going to get a kick out of this :)

So…Motherhood took me by complete surprise. I knew it would be hard but I never imagined it would be THIS hard. As a self-proclaimed perfectionist, you can just imagine how upturned my life became once kids entered the picture. I hung in there for a couple of years but eventually, it all got to be too much and I had a mommy temper tantrum. I RARELY journal but I got out a pen and paper and verbally spewed onto the page…anything and everything I could think of that was frustrating me. I was just letting it all go.

When I was all done, I had to laugh. It was kind of funny. I wondered if anyone else felt like I did so I posted it on a blog and sent to every woman I know. And you know what? I was so relieved and comforted by the response…SOOOO many people said “Me Too!” and I realized there is GREAT comfort in getting real, letting go of perfectionism, and learning to just breathe…and LAUGH.

So check it out and see if you can relate. (This is almost word for word from my journal!) A warning: It’s LONG. I had a LOT to get out.

Continue reading Motherhood Confessions
