Just a short note today with some kid-funnies from my crew:
I don’t know those kids, but that is pretty darn funny. Anyway, the other day, Gray was complaining that his bottom hurt.. He was getting confused about what Balmex was called because he asked us if we would “PLEASE put some sour cream on it”. And of course, Mackenna responds (more condescendingly that I would have figured a 4 year old to know how) with “Um, Gray…sour cream doesn’t really go on bottoms”. Yeah not really.
Mackenna was taking care of her baby doll yesterday and asked me if I could please finish putting the diaper on the doll, because she wanted to go color. I was in the middle of something and told her she needed to do it herself. She argued with me for a bit so I said, “Honey YOU are the mommy, so YOU should be the one to take care of her” and she responded with, “Well…YOU should be the grandma then and help”. DUDE…
Grayson’s new thing now is to say “No way”. We’ll say, “Gray you’re so cute” and he’ll say “NO way!” Or “Gray do you want pasta for dinner?” “No way!” Any time he needs to utilize the word “no”, it is now and emphatic “No way!” Dont’ know where he picked that up from.
To this day, whenever Ryan doesn’t shave, Mackenna still says, “No, no, Daddy. You can’t kiss me cuz of your crumbs”. When she was little she used to tell him to go wipe off his face.
I love my kids’ imagination, don’t you? Grayson plays with this rocking dinosaur thingy we have at our park and yesterday he made sure to tell me that it was a GIRL dinosaur and it was nice, not mean. And he named her Jacob. And Mackenna has an imaginary Grandma Jasmine that apparently lets her eat chocolate for dinner and go to bed whenever she wants. They also paint together all the time and she took her ice skating once.
I will be sending my kids to grandma Jamsines
I’m glad the girl dinos are nice around your house. Ours might be mean, but I’m not certain. Not because of mom (I hope), but there is a sister who can hold her own…
HA HA! If you ask Mackenna, our dinosaurs are always mean