Of ALL the Things to Despise…

I HATE my dishwasher sometimes. It’s so weird. I know this is like one appliance that I’m supposed to be in love with, but there is just this tension between the two of us that I can’t quite put my finger on.

Like the whole idea of a dishwasher is great. You can just throw your dirty dishes in there and push a little button and voila! Clean dishes for all to enjoy.

But, just like your kids, sometimes your dishwasher doesn’t operate exactly according to the function for which it was created. As we all know, you really do have to halfway-clean your dishes before you even put them INTO the dishwasher… but I don’t think that’s even what bugs me really. I’ve kind of learned to deal with that.

Continue reading Of ALL the Things to Despise…


Fun Photo Friday

For this post, I thought I’d just share some recent photos from the Life of Motherhood. 

To start things off, all I have to say for this first one is WHY…  

He's going to be doing this until he's 25
He's going to be doing this until he's 25

Next, we took some lovely pictures outside this past Easter. This one was the winning shot….  

Aw, how cute.

 BUT before we got THAT shot, we got THIS one….  

Here, Mom I'll hold his face just so... and it will look SO beautiful...

When I was a little girl, I used to “do” my mom’s hair. I put every hair-bow and barrett I owned on her head. She must have been too scared to seek revenge on ME…so she went after my daughter.  

For REALS, Mom?

I thought I only had to worry about this problem with my husband…. 


 Trying to get a cute, CANDID shot of them during our last spaghetti dinner…wonder where they get their sense of humor from…  

The Boy seems to have the same disease…



And finally, I’d like to send a quick shout out to Ryan Phillippe. Ryan, we have your kid. To get him back, please pay us 1oo billion dollars.  



Happy Friday everyone! 

(And by the way, has anyone EVER seen Ryan Phillippe’s teeth? Someone needs to go tickle him.)


Sorority Life?!

So it has been  a long day of dealing with a teething baby who ALSO seems to have a cold (or is the snotty nose a symptom of teething?) who ALSO seems to  have a stomach bug because he’s thrown up / spit up like 5 times today…OR is that a symptom of the snotty nose (which may or may not be a symptom of teething), which makes him cough and subsequently makes him throw up?!

Oh my, I need a nap. The point is, it’s been a rough day…one of those days where you’re person-hood almost gets lost. You know what I’m talking about? Not that motherhood isn’t ALWAYS, to some extent, all about giving yourself up for another human being…but there are some days when it’s pushed to the MAX. Like you go into some alternate universe where you forget to eat, breathe, even PEE, because all you can think about is getting your little one to feel better.  Continue reading Sorority Life?!


Guess the body part…

OK so a quick disclaimer before I begin my post:  to the few men who find my blog humorous and like to “peek in” on conversations among moms, I support you and welcome you here. However, today I am requesting that my male readers (ahem, particularly my DAD) skip this one. I’m going to be talking about things that happen during and after pregnancy and well, let’s face it – there are just SOME things that we don’t want our fathers privy to…I would rather  instead that he protect the image seared in his mind of me as a four year old little girl. So Dad, you and I can part ways here. :)

For the rest of you, I just want to talk a bit today about what the HECK happens to your body after pregnancy. Did anyone tell you things could go so terribly wrong??? I mean, sure, we all knew about the stretch marks or additional baby weight…or for some of us, the “mom pooch” that never goes way. BUT…have you guys discovered yet for yourselves all of the weird and heinous things that happen that NO ONE ever talks about?? There must be some sort of secret pact that prevents women from just coming out with this information in public because I was CERTAINLY never informed!!! Continue reading Guess the body part…


Note to Self


 “Be sure to savor every moment – it goes by so fast!”

How many times have you heard this advice? If you’re a mom, maybe you feel like you are walking around with a sign on your forehead that reads “I’m living life in a complete blur and can’t remember my kids names. I spend about two minutes every day with my kids and four thousand hours doing laundry. I think my kids will be little forever, and I completely take them for granted. What advice might you give me?”

I feel like I must be wearing a sign like that because I get that advice OFTEN. I KNOW it is well-intentioned, but I just have to say a few things about this today.  Continue reading Note to Self


I'm not playing with you anymore!


Guess who said that. I have a four year old, a two year old and an eight month old…

Well…the eight month old can’t talk so that means it must be the four year old OR the two year old…


It was ME. It was ME! My grown-up, 30 year old self was actually frustrated enough with my daughter that I did what any normal grown-up would do. I said “Fine, then I’m not playing with you anymore” and huffed off.


Continue reading I'm not playing with you anymore!


Can't believe I'm going to do this…


SO…I have another confession to make. Motherhood, in some ways, has brought out the absolute best in me. I’ve learned more patience, I’ve learned how to be more flexible…I’ve learned that I can’t make a 6 month old eat green beans even if I AM the parent…

But motherhood has also brought out some of the WORST in me. As I mentioned in About Me  page, I used to be way more “together” than I am now.

And I have proof.

I have simple, photographic evidence of some of the worst. And…in light of ‘getting real’ about motherhood, I figured I should share that with all of you. So here it goes…

This is BEFORE I was a mother:

Aw. Look how happy I was. That was, of course, my wedding day. Or about THREE years before THIS was about to happen…

Continue reading Can't believe I'm going to do this…


Game on!


I am SOOO excited I am finally back “up and running”. You guys are not going to believe one of the reasons that I’ve stayed away so long.

When I started writing “just for fun” a while ago, you all were SOOO great about encouraging me and telling me how much you loved what I was saying. I started getting some great feedback and my blog started circulating and ‘getting around’.

So I started to wonder if maybe this might actually go somewhere….and then guess what I did?

Everything that I talk on here about what NOT to do! I started googling “how to blog” and trying to figure out how to make my website “look good” and all this crazy stuff…

Just like I’ve done with motherhood, I started to let my perfectionism drain me of the joy of writing and why I began doing this in the first place! How STUPID…and terribly ironic isn’t it?!

WOW. So guess what? Not doing that anymore. I picked some random pre-made template that wordpress offers, figured out a couple new features that I really did want, and that’s it. I’m done trying to be something I’m not. In motherhood and in the blogging world.

So here it is – simple, basic and all about the content. We’re back in buisness! I’m going to REALLY try to write more often now. I’ve got SOOO much on my mind.

I also have another blog for the more serious side of life. I LOVE laughing and joking but sometimes I’ve got things to share that fit more in another category. So if you’re interested in THAT side too, be sure to check it out.

Finally, I’m excited about a new feature (I did actually figure out a couple of good things). You can subscribe to my blogs via email now. So cool!

If you like what I’m saying and what to keep up with it, please subscribe. That way I don’t have to manually send out emails anymore when I make an update.

Thanks all! Can’t wait to start laughing with you again!!!


GOD said there'd be days like THIS…

I have been putting off writing this entry. I don’t know exactly why but even as I’m typing now my heart is beating faster than usual and I feel a bit anxious…

A fair warning up front: it’s no secret that humor is largely my focus on this blog but this entry is not going to be as much fun…I guess some “motherhood confessions” are of a more serious nature. But I said I would share the good, bad and ugly, and I suppose this is part of that. Continue reading GOD said there'd be days like THIS…


Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This…

So…life with a new born, a toddler, and a pre-schooler has been a whirlwind. I’ve heard varying opinions on the subject, but I would definitely say THREE is a whole lot different from TWO. Suddenly I found myself looking around at all of these little people and thinking:

“Dang, there sure is a lot of them”. Continue reading Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This…
